Our Team

Idris has an extremely dynamic team. As a mobile artist-run initiative presenting rotating exhibitions, the people involved are constantly growing and shifting. Artists who take part in exhibitions work in a collaborative structure and take up a number of tasks ranging from project planning, production, and presentation assessments. At Idris we believe that each artist deserves a say not only in what is the subject and object of his/her show but also in the way artistic production is to be delivered to the audience.

The founders and curators of Idris:

Barak Rubin

Active artist working and living in Tel Aviv, he is a graduate of the BA Photography Department and MFA at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design. Rubin has represented Bezalel in Tokyo and is the recipient of the Third Bezalel Photography Prize, he has exhibited in numerous shows both in Israel and abroad. See his CV and work here.

Livia Tagliacozzo

Born and raised in Rome, Italy, she is a PhD candidate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a graduate of Liberal Arts from Tel Aviv University and completed her MA degree in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. Currently her research focuses on fascism and the relations between different religious communities in the Middle East and North Africa.

Read about the artists who have exhibited with Idris here