Avraham Kritzman, Tal Yerushalmi, and Guy Nissenhaus | Idris Gallery, Tel Aviv
The artist trio presenting Dynamism is concerned with constant change and liveliness. The exhibition probes the manner in which movement develops from materials and how movement can bear renewed vivacity to the materials via reinvention, isolation and Incorporation. Tal Yerushalmi proposes a series of colorful canvas cut-outs, representing archaeological objects. Her technical production includes the layering of colors and transforming of the original significance of the ritual and historical objects she presents. She isolates these objects from their prescribed purpose, but juxtaposes and reconnects them in order to give them novel vitality . The work “Get a Life” consists of two acrylic and oil paintings on stretched canvas, painting cutouts and acrylic paint applied directly onto the wall of the gallery. Abraham Kritzman’s works “Klintes 1“ and “Klintes 2,“ are characterized by a strange saturation of murky, diluted colors which create an impression of transparency. The sculptures resemble archaeological remnants or strange fossils. They carry the signs of sculpting gestures, a memory of creation. Unlike a pilgrimage–a linear movement aimed at a specific destination– this work summons space for rediscovery, where the artist invites the observer to linger, and produce a multi-focal gaze that cannot be distilled into linearity or pertain to a rational narrative. Guy Nissenhaus’s work articulates the tension between the urban environment and natural landscape. Combining humor, playfulness and gestures, with natural images such as plants and animals, his work urges the observer to contemplate the human experience and contemporary urban life.
Full exhibition text: English

Tal Yerushalmi, Get a Life
Tal Yerushalmi Get a Life, 2017, mixed media on wall, 408x306cm

Abraham Kritzman, Klintes 260
Abraham Kritzman Klintes 260 1, 2017, plaster, 45x45x60cm

Guy Nissenhaus, Cat and a Tongue
Guy Nissenhaus, Cat and a tongue, 2016, acrylic, soft pastel on canvas

Guy Nissenhaus, Wings Tree
Guy Nissenhaus, Wings Tree, 2017, acrylic and spray paint on canvas

Guy Nissenhaus, Deer
Guy Nissenhaus, Deer, 2016, soft pastel on canvas

General View
General View, Abraham Kritzman, Tal Yerushalmi and Guy Nissenhaus